
Supplier related endpoints can be used for managing supplier data on a platform. Suppliers are primarily used to connect a supplier to a journal entry.

Required query parameters for journals.

  • tenantUid - Uid of a platform.
  • supplierUid - Uid of a single supplier.

Get suppliers base array

Get suppliers base array

This endpoint will return an array of base supplier data on a platform, the array can be filtered using the following parameters:

  • Skip - Skip x records in the array.
  • Take - Take x amount of records in the returned array - Default amount is 100 records.
  • countryCode - Filter suppliers by country - ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 codes.

Get supplier details

Get supplier details

This endpoint will return the detailed data for a single supplier, defined via the path parameter.

The value of the "suppleirUid" parameter must match the uid of an existing customer.

Property description
Property Description
uid Unique ID of the supplier.
name Name of the supplier.
city City of supplier address.
countryCode Country of supplier location as ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 codes.
type The supplier type. Possible values:"CREDIT".
website Webpage of the supplier contact.
mobile Phone number of the supplier contact.
email E-mail address of the supplier contact.
status Status of the supplier. Possible values:"ACTIVE_VERIFIED", "ACTIVE_UNVERIFIED", "ARCHIVED", and "BLOCKED"
identificationNumber Company identification number of the supplier.
currencyCode Currency of the supplier as ISO 4217 codes.
zipCode Postal code of the supplier address.
address Street and number of supplier address.
vatNumber VAT number of the supplier.
vatZoneKey VAT zone of the supplier. Possible values:"EUROPEAN", "ABROAD" and "DOMESTIC".
supplierNumber Zenegy suppler number of the supplier.
uid Unique ID of the supplier category.
name Name of the supplier category.
isUsedInBookedExpense True/false. True=Supplier has been used in a booked entry, false=Supplier has not yet been used in a booked entry.
isVerified True/false. True=Supplier is verified, false=supplier is unverified.
systemId Automatic system id of the supplier.
uid Unique ID of the finance account from supplier category.
name Name of the finance account from supplier category.
number Account number of the finance account from supplier category.
isSystem True/false. True=Finance account is a system standard account, false=finance account is a custom account.
isSelected True/false. True=Finance account is active on supplier, false=finance account is not active on supplier.
uid Unique ID of the finance account from supplier extra accounts.
name Name of the finance account from supplier extra accounts.
number Account number of the finance account from supplier extra accounts.
isSystem True/false. True=Finance account is a system standard account, false=finance account is a custom account.
isSelected True/false. True=Finance account is active on supplier, false=finance account is not active on supplier.
uid Unique ID of the responsible person on the supplier.
name Name of the responsible person on the supplier.
email E-mail address of the responsible person on the supplier.
bankAccountNumber Bank account number of the supplier.
bankAccountIban Bank IBAN number of the supplier.

Create supplier

Create supplier

This endpoint can be used to create new suppliers on a platform.

Property explanation:

nameName of the supplier.
cityCity of the supplier location.
countryCodeCountry of the supplier location as ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 codes.
mobileMobile number of the supplier.
identificationNumberCompany identification number for the supplier.
currencyCodeCurrency of the supplier as ISO 4217 codes.
zipCodePostal code of supplier location.
addressStreet and number of customer location.
supplierNumberThe supplier number in Zenegy.
emailE-mail address of the supplier.
categoryUidUnique ID of the supplier category.


Logic information.

To learn more about suppliers in Zenegy Numbers use this Help article.

What’s Next

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