Supplier related endpoints can be used for managing supplier data on a platform. Suppliers are primarily used to connect a supplier to a journal entry.
Required query parameters for journals.
- tenantUid - Uid of a platform.
- supplierUid - Uid of a single supplier.
Get suppliers base array
This endpoint will return an array of base supplier data on a platform, the array can be filtered using the following parameters:
- Skip - Skip x records in the array.
- Take - Take x amount of records in the returned array - Default amount is 100 records.
- countryCode - Filter suppliers by country - ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 codes.
Get supplier details
This endpoint will return the detailed data for a single supplier, defined via the path parameter.
The value of the "suppleirUid" parameter must match the uid of an existing customer.
Property description
Property | Description |
uid | Unique ID of the supplier. |
name | Name of the supplier. |
city | City of supplier address. |
countryCode | Country of supplier location as ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 codes. |
type | The supplier type. Possible values:"CREDIT". |
ContactInfo | |
website | Webpage of the supplier contact. |
mobile | Phone number of the supplier contact. |
E-mail address of the supplier contact. | |
status | Status of the supplier. Possible values:"ACTIVE_VERIFIED", "ACTIVE_UNVERIFIED", "ARCHIVED", and "BLOCKED" |
identificationNumber | Company identification number of the supplier. |
currencyCode | Currency of the supplier as ISO 4217 codes. |
zipCode | Postal code of the supplier address. |
address | Street and number of supplier address. |
vatNumber | VAT number of the supplier. |
vatZoneKey | VAT zone of the supplier. Possible values:"EUROPEAN", "ABROAD" and "DOMESTIC". |
supplierNumber | Zenegy suppler number of the supplier. |
Category | |
uid | Unique ID of the supplier category. |
name | Name of the supplier category. |
isUsedInBookedExpense | True/false. True=Supplier has been used in a booked entry, false=Supplier has not yet been used in a booked entry. |
isVerified | True/false. True=Supplier is verified, false=supplier is unverified. |
systemId | Automatic system id of the supplier. |
CategoryAccounts | |
uid | Unique ID of the finance account from supplier category. |
name | Name of the finance account from supplier category. |
number | Account number of the finance account from supplier category. |
isSystem | True/false. True=Finance account is a system standard account, false=finance account is a custom account. |
isSelected | True/false. True=Finance account is active on supplier, false=finance account is not active on supplier. |
ExtraAccounts | |
uid | Unique ID of the finance account from supplier extra accounts. |
name | Name of the finance account from supplier extra accounts. |
number | Account number of the finance account from supplier extra accounts. |
isSystem | True/false. True=Finance account is a system standard account, false=finance account is a custom account. |
isSelected | True/false. True=Finance account is active on supplier, false=finance account is not active on supplier. |
ResponsiblePersons | |
uid | Unique ID of the responsible person on the supplier. |
name | Name of the responsible person on the supplier. |
E-mail address of the responsible person on the supplier. | |
SupplierBankAccounts | |
bankAccountNumber | Bank account number of the supplier. |
bankAccountIban | Bank IBAN number of the supplier. |
Create supplier
This endpoint can be used to create new suppliers on a platform.
Property explanation:
Required | Property | Description |
✅ | name | Name of the supplier. |
❌ | city | City of the supplier location. |
❌ | countryCode | Country of the supplier location as ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 codes. |
❌ | mobile | Mobile number of the supplier. |
❌ | identificationNumber | Company identification number for the supplier. |
❌ | currencyCode | Currency of the supplier as ISO 4217 codes. |
❌ | zipCode | Postal code of supplier location. |
❌ | address | Street and number of customer location. |
❌ | supplierNumber | The supplier number in Zenegy. |
❌ | E-mail address of the supplier. | |
❌ | categoryUid | Unique ID of the supplier category. |
Logic information.
To learn more about suppliers in Zenegy Numbers use this Help article.
Updated 8 months ago
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