

Absence registrations are registered via the Absence API and the payroll run. They are marked as archived and are not included in the following payroll runs.

For a hour registration to be created, you need to provide the following information:

  • User(employee)
  • Absence type
  • Number of days(hours)
  • Period (from and to date)

Absence API supports:

Absence registrations are not included in the payroll if the registration status is not Approved. Only users with elevated roles can set the status Approve to a registration. Employees are allowed to create registration only with pending status. After registration is processed in payroll and payroll is completed, the registration's state is set to Archived.

Pending0Registration is pending approval, it will not be included in the payroll
Approved1Registration is approved, and it will be included in payroll
Rejected2Registration is in pending status; it will not be included in the payroll, and status cannot be changed
Archived3Registration is archived after processing in a payroll run, and status cannot be changed
ManuallyArchived4The user archives registration without being processed in a payroll

It is not possible to register two absences on the same day.

Absence type

Absence type is essential for absence registrations in Zenegy. It must be provided for registration to be created.

Absence type defines how the number of units(days) will be calculated in the payroll. Zenegy has default system absence types defined.

When creating the registration, the ID of the absence type has to be provided.

Zenegy default absence types are:

0VacationVacation(ferie) this is registered as regular vacation days hat goes to vacation days saldo
1IllnessSick days(sygdom) this is registered as sick days
2VacationFreeDayFree vacation(feriefri) this is registered as vacation days that goes to free vacation days saldo
3CareDayCare day(Omsorgsdag) this is registered as care days and goes to care days saldo
4ChildIllDayChild ill(Barns sygedag) this is registered as child ill day
5MaternityWithoutSalaryMaternity without salary, no calculations related to this type
6MaternityWithSalaryMaternity with salary, no calculations related to this type
7TrainingAndEducationTraining and education, no calculations related to this type
8BusinessTravelEUTravel EU, no calculations related to this type
9BusinessTravelOutsideEUTravel outside EU, no calculations related to this type
10OtherOther , no calculations related to this type


In order for a registration to be created, you need to provide the absence type and UID of the employee to whom the registration will be made.

Employees can be pulled as a list from the payroll API(s):

  • Payroll Denmark list of employees can be pulled here