
Journals related endpoints can be used for managing the journals in a platform. A journal in Zenegy Numbers is a container for non-booked entries.

Required query parameters for journals.

  • tenantUid - Uid of a platform.
  • journalUid - Uid of a single journal.

Get journals array

Get journals array

This endpoint is used to get a list of journals on a platform, the response in this endpoint can only be filtered with:

  • Skip - Skip x records in the array.
  • Take - Take x amount of records in the returned array - Default amount is 100 records.

Create journal

Create journal

This endpoint can be used to create new journals on a platform.
Property explanation:

nameName of the journal.
allowedTypesEntry types allowed in journal. Allowed values: "CUSTOMER", "EMPLOYEE", "FINANCE", "SUPPLIER".
defaultTypeDefault entry type in journal. Value must match one of the "allowedTypes" values.
numberSeriesLineMaskNumber series mask for new entries in journal. Example: "AB1#", AB1 is the static mask for the number series, # is going to be replaced with the next number in the series.
numberSeriesLineNextNoStart number for entry number series, this number will replace the "#" defined in "numberSeriesLineMask" when creating new entries.


Logic Information.

To learn more about the logic of journals in Zenegy use this Help article.

What’s Next

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