Chart of accounts

Chart of accounts relate to the financial accounts in Zenegy Numbers. When using the API it is important to know that a single account is called "Finance account".

Required query parameters for chart of accounts:

  • tenantUid - Uid of a platform.
  • financeAccountUid - Uid of a single finance account.

Get base chart of accounts array

GET chart of accounts array

This endpoint will return the base properties for chart of accounts as an array, it can be filtered to only get specific finance accounts using the parameters below:

  • Skip - Skip x records in the array.
  • Take - Take x amount of records in the returned array - Default amount is 100 records.
  • accountType - Filter finance accounts with a specific type - Allowed values: BALANCE, PROFITANDLOSS.
  • accessType - Filter finance accounts with a specific access - Allowed values: ACTIVE, BLOCKED.
  • isSystem - Filter finance accounts by creation type - Boolean: True, False.
Property description

The table below can be used to see the description of the base array properties

Property Description
uid The unique ID for a finance account.
createdOn Creation date of a finance account.
name Name of a finance account.
number Number for a finance account.
accountType Account type of a finance account. Possible values:"PROFITANDLOSS" and "BALANCE".
accessType Access type of a finance account. Possible values:"ACTIVE" and "BLOCKED".
vatGroupCode The VAT group code of VAT group connected to a finance account. Value will be "null" when no VAT group is connected.
groupName Financial group name, of group connected to a finance account. Value will be "null" when no financial group is connected.
isSystem True/false. True = finance account is a system default account. False = finance account is not a system default account.
standardAccount Finance account information of standard account connected to a finance account. Value will be "null" when no standard account is connected.
standardAccount/number Finance account number of standard account connected to a finance account. Property is only returned when a standard account is connected.
standardAccount/name Finance account name of standard account connected to a finance account. Property is only returned when a standard account is connected.

Get finance account details

GET finance account

This endpoint will return the detailed information for a single finance account defined via the path parameters.
The value of the "financeAccountUid" parameter must match the uid of an existing finance account on the platform.

Property description

The table below can be used to see the description of the detailed finance account properties

Property Description
uid The unique ID of the finance account.
createdOn Creation date of the finance account.
name Name of the finance account.
number Number for the finance account.
type Account type of the finance account. Possible values:"PROFITANDLOSS" and "BALANCE".
accessType Access type for the finance account. Possible values are "ACTIVE" and "BLOCKED".
vatGroupCode The VAT group code of the finance account. Value will be "null" if no VAT group is connected.
groupName Financial group name of the group connected to the finance account. Value will be "null" if no financial group is connected.
vatValue VAT value of the VAT group connected to the finance account. Value will be "null" if no VAT group is connected, or if VAT group does not have a VAT value defined.
saldoInBaseCurrency Outstanding balance of the finance account.
currencyCode Currency of the finance account. ISO 4217 codes.
consolidationGroup Consolidation group of the finance account. Value will be "" when not defined.
appText Custom alias of the finance account.
helpText Custom help text of the finance account.
allowedSupplierVatZones VAT zones allowed for supplier entries using this finance account. Possible values: "EU", "DOMESTIC", "ABROAD", and "NONE" if not defined.
usageCount Amount of times the finance account has been used for entries.
usedInDraft True/false. True=finance account has been used in un-booked entries, false=finance account has not been used in un-booked entries.
usedInBooked True/false. True=finance account has been used in booked entries, false=finance account has not been used in booked entries.
isSystem True/false. True=finance account is a system default account, false=finance account is not a system default account.
standardAccount Information of the standard account connected to the finance account. It will be "null" if no standard account is connected.
standardAccount/number Number of the standard account connected to the finance account. This property is returned only if a standard account is connected.
standardAccount/name Name of the standard account connected to the finance account. This property is returned only if a standard account is connected.


Logic information.

To lean more about the logic of chart of accounts in Zenegy use this Help article.

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