
Entries in Zenegy Numbers refers to the business transaction records used for accounting, entries are separated into two types: journal entries and general ledger entries.


Important information before proceeding.

It is crucial that integrators understand the structure of entries in Zenegy, before developing their integration as incorrect use of the endpoints can lead to errors in the accounting data.

Structure of entries

Entries in Zenegy Numbers has the folllowing structure:

  • Entry = A single accounting line like a credit or debit line, each line is a seperate entry.
  • Sequence = A collection of entries grouped together via shared sequence data".
  • Journal entry = A draft entry that can be created, updated or deleted. All entries are created as journal entries before becoming a general ledger entry when booked.
  • Booking entries = Entries are booked on a sequence level, so multiple entries will be booked at the same time when the journal entries have been reviewed and approved.
  • General ledger entry = A booked entry, booked entries are locked and saved in the general ledger, it is not possible to create, update or delete entries in the general ledger.

Entry details

Entries are individual accounting lines, composed of some entry specific data and shared sequence data.

Entries in a sequence in Zenegy Numbers

Zenegy Numbers web UI showing 3 Entries (marked in blue) in a sequence.

Shared Data Property Title Property Description
:x: uid Uid of an individual entry.
:white-check-mark: sequenceId Sequence id shared between all entries in a sequence.
:white-check-mark: date Entry date shared between all entries in a sequence
:white-check-mark: dueDate Entry due date shared between all entries in a sequence.
:white-check-mark: invoiceNumber Entry invoice number shared between all entries in a sequence.
:white-check-mark: externalId External custom id shared between all entries in a sequence.
:white-check-mark: currencyCode Currency of entries shared between all entries in a sequence.
:x: description Description of individual entries.
:x: amountInBase Individual entry amount in base platform currency.
:x: amount Individual entry amount in shared sequence currency.
:x: financeAccountUid Finance account connected to individual entries.
:x: supplierUid Supplier connected to individual entries with SUPPLIER type.
:x: customerUid Customer connected to individual entries with CUSTOMER type.
:x: employeeUid Employee connected to individual entries with EMPLOYEE type.
:x: vatGroupUid Vat group connected to individual VAT specific entries.
:x: type Type of indvidual entries.

Sequence details

Sequences refers to a collection of entries with shared sequence data, when booking entries in Zenegy Numbers the users book a whole sequence of entries at the same time and not individual entries

Entry types in sequences

A sequence of entries must use the correct type combinations.
The first entry in a sequence is the "main entry" the value of "type" in this entry defines which types are allowed for subsequent entries.

Example: Entries in a sequence with "CUSTOMER" as the main entry "type" can only have "CUSTOMER_PAYMENT" or "INVOICE" types.

Allowed type combinations in a sequence:

Main entry typeCombinations for main type

Journal entries

Journal entry management is only applicable for integrations built to send accounting data to Zenegy Numbers, as these entries can be created, updated and deleted via the API.

Journal entries should not be used in integrations built to collect and save account data from Zenegy Numbers, integrations with these purposes should only use the general ledger entries for their integration, as these entries are saved and locked in the general ledger.

Read more about journal entries.

General ledger Entries

General ledger entries cannot be created, updated or deleted via the API. The main purpose for these endpoints is to receive and save accounting data via the API.

Read more about general ledger entries.


Logic information.

To learn more about entries and sequences in Zenegy use this Help article.