Numbers API

The guides in this section are all related to the Zenegy Numbers API, integrators should make sure they have read and understood the guides for each endpoint used in the solution.



Pay close attention to the disclaimers in each guide, integrators using the Numbers API should always make sure they have understood the specifics of each endpoint they use.
Misuse of the API can result in incorrect data and inconsistent accounting data.

Integrators are responsible for their own solutions, as described in the terms and conditions for the API.

Pre-development requirements

Before development of solutions using the Zenegy Numbers API, integrators should make sure they have every requirement below ready:

  • Oauth client: To use the API a client is required for the Oauth flow, a client consists of a clientId and a secret key. Clients are only valid per environment so a sandbox client cannot be used in the production enviroment.
    To request a new client use the form on this page.
  • Platform access: To use the API direct access to the platforms are required, without access the Oauth flow cannot be completed. Access should always be on an administrator level to prevent errors.
    Be aware that if the authenticating user is deleted while the solution is active, all access will be lost and the solution has to be re-authenticated.
  • TenantUid: All endpoints have a required parameter called "tenantUid", this is the unique identifier for the specific platforms.
    The "tenantUid" can be obtained during the authentication flow, as it is returned with the access token. the Uid can also be obtained from the browser url when signed into the web application.


Platform specific logic

All endpoints are still reliant on the platform specific logic, all clients should refer to the Zenegy Help Center for information regarding platform logic when building integrations.

What’s Next

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