

Hour registrations are registered via the Hours API, and the payroll run. They are marked as archived and are not included in the following payroll runs.

For an hour registration to be created, you need to provide the following information:

  • User(employee)
  • Hour rate
  • Number of hours(unit)

Hour registrations are supported by all payroll products in Zenegy and they can be managed via the hours API.

Hours API supports:

  • Create registrations single
  • Management of hour rates for the account and for specific user
  • List registrations for the account and for a specific user

Hour registrations are not included in the payroll if the status of the registration is not Approved. Only users with elevated roles are allowed to set the status Approve to a registration. Employees are allowed to create registration only with pending status. After registration is processed in a payroll and payroll is completed, the state of the registration is set to Archived.

Pending1Registration is pending for approval, it will not be included in payroll
Approved2Registration is approved, and it will be included in payroll
Rejected3Registration is in pending status, it will not be included in payroll and status cannot be changed
Archived4Registration is archived after processing in a payroll run and status cannot be changed
ManuallyArchived5Registration is archived by the user without being processed in a payroll

Hour rate

Hour rate is essential for hour registrations in Zenegy. In order for registration to be created, first rate has to be present in the system. When creating the registration the UID of the registration is required property in the registration.

The rate is used for controlling the following properties:

  • Wage code - Based on the wage code the payroll engine can determine how to calculate the amount. In payroll Denmark hours are calculated as supplements before tax(with or without ATP). In other Zenegy payroll engines the calculation is done based on the wage code settings
  • Name - Name is used for describing the rate and also this text will be shown on the payslip
  • Number - Number is required and it has to be unique in the company. The number is used to make it easier to reference the rates.
  • Unit rate - This is the default amount per unit of the rate(property paymentPerRate). If overrideRate is set to true this amount can be set on the registration if not the unit price of the rate will be used
  • Access - By default rate can be applied to all users and all users can register hours on the rate. But in some cases if rate should be limited to specific group or list of users this can be archived with setting the access properties on the rate

In Zenegy you can find two types of hour rates general and standard rates.

  • Standard rate is handled by the system and it is connected to one employee and it is synced with the value of the standard hour on the employee profile. This rates are not show in the rate list in the UI. Rate is standard if property isStandard is true.

  • General rates are all other rates that are not standard and can be managed via the API and the UI. Rate is general if property isStandard is false.


In order for a registration to be created, you need to provide the uid of a rate and the uid of a user to whom the registration will be registered. The user is the user connected to the employee for whom the registration is created. You can pull list of all users via the hour api using the following endpoint get users.

Employees can be pull as list from the the payroll API(s):

  • Payroll Denmark list of employee can be pulled here