New endpoints for Chart of Accounts has been developed.
A new endpoint to retrieve tenant details has been released.
The Invoices endpoints has been expanded with new properties:
- SystemId for customer on invoice.
- CprNumber for private customers on invoice.
- Payment terms for invoice.
A new endpoint to retrieve the list of Payment Terms in Zenegy Numbers has been released.
Several new endpoints for invoices has been developed.
An endpoint for retrieving invoice attachment files has been developed.
This endpoint returns the attachment file as binary data, results must be parsed by the receiving system.
We have released CRUD endpoints for the Zenegy departments.
These endpoints will allow integrators full control of the department structure in Zenegy.
We have released a new endpoint that can be used to get the financial years and periods in Zenegy.
The endpoint will return both the years and periods in the same response.
To facilitate scalable API integrations we have improved the response of our POST endpoints.
Prior to this improvement the response for successful POST requests was only the "uid" of the new entity.
After this improvement the POST endpoints will return all the information for the entity.
This change has been done to limit the needed requests in POST flows, by returning all the information on the entity, this way any information added automatically by the system logic, can be obtained from the response instead of having send a GET request for entity.
Important update
To improve the uniformity of the Zenegy API, the path for the Numbers related endpoints has been changed.
Previous path: /api/v1/accounts/{accountUid}/...
New path: /api/v1/tenants/{tenantUid}/...
Applications using the endpoints will have to be updated to use ".../tenants/...", the value of {tenantUid} remains the same as {accountUid} and does not have to be changed.